How to adjust the office chair?

Many customers complain that they are unable to explain the proper usage of the office chair components to the end-user.

In our previous post Mechanisms for office chairs we analyzed the main types of office chair mechanisms, reviewing the features and benefits they offer in terms of seating comfort and ergonomics.
However, it often happens that the end-user doesn’t know how to use their chair properly.

For example, the levers under the seat are sometimes not easily accessible; or for some functions, a proper sequence of actions must be followed.
This is the case, for example, of  anti-shock mechanism: it’s an important device that prevents a blow from the backrest, but one must know how to use it.
Or it is the case with the tensioner: this knob (or lever) should only be used when the mechanism is unlocked, otherwise, it will have no effect.

For one reason or another, the result is the same: the user is unable to properly adjust his chair.
Sometimes, the user even believes they simply have an uncomfortable or unsuitable seat.
It’s a shame that some chairs that offer superior ergonomics, with many adjustment possibilities, are not used correctly.

How to overcome this problem?

Ideally, through education: the end-user should be trained or at least informed about the use of the chair.

Unfortunately, as our customers complain, it is not always possible to find time and ways to convey the information about the office chair they are using.
And, in any case, it is likely that this information will be forgotten.

To overcome this problem, at SbS, we have created a QR code for each of our mechanisms.
The QR code links to an user maual video that explains to the end-user how to use the chair correctly.
In a simple but complete manner, in less than two minutes, the user can review all available adjustments.

Like this:


This small help makes our customers’ seats more user-friendly and increases the seating comfort of their users.

Click + INFO for more information on our QR codes.

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